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The action command is a low-level interface for providing virtualized device input actions to the web browser.

In addition to high level commands such like scrollIntoView, doubleClick, the Actions API provides granular control over exactly what designated input devices can do. WebdriverIO provides an interface for 3 kinds of input sources:

  • a key input for keyboard devices
  • a pointer input for a mouse, pen or touch devices
  • and wheel inputs for scroll wheel devices

Every chain of action commands has to be completed calling perform in order to trigger the set of actions. This causes actions to be released and events to be fired. You can skip this by passing in true (e.g. browser.actions(...).perform(true)).


Support for this command and specific actions can differ based on the environment. Progress on the development can be followed on For mobile you might want to use Appium specific gesture commands on iOS and Android.

Key input source

A key input source is an input source that is associated with a keyboard-type device. It can be triggered by using the key type parameters. e.g.:


It returns a KeyAction object that supports the following actions:

  • down(value: string): generates a key down action
  • up(value: string): generates a key up action
  • pause(ms: number): indicate that an input source does nothing during a particular tick

Special Characters

If you like to use special characters like e.g. Control, Page Up or Shift, make sure to import the Key object from the webdriverio package like so:

import { Key } from 'webdriverio'

The object allows you to access the unicode representation of the desired special character.

Pointer input source

A pointer input source is an input source that is associated with a pointer-type input device. The type can be specified when invoking the action command, e.g.:

browser.action('pointer', {
parameters: { pointerType: 'mouse' } // "mouse" is default value, also possible: "pen" or "touch"

It returns a PointerAction object that supports the following actions:

  • down (button: 'left' | 'middle' | 'right'): creates an action to press a single key
  • down (params: PointerActionParams): creates an action to press a single key with detailed parameters
  • move (x: number, y: number): Creates an action for moving the pointer x and y pixels from the viewport
  • move (params: PointerActionMoveParams): Creates an action for moving the pointer x and y pixels from the specified origin. The origin may be defined as the pointers current position (e.g. "pointer"), the viewport (e.g. "viewport") or the center of a specific element.
  • up (button: 'left' | 'middle' | 'right'): creates an action to release a single key
  • up (params: PointerActionUpParams): creates an action to release a single key with detailed parameters
  • cancel(): An action that cancels this pointer's current input.
  • pause(ms: number): indicate that an input source does nothing during a particular tick

You can find detailed information on the PointerActionParams, PointerActionMoveParams and PointerActionUpParams parameter types in the project type definition.

Wheel input source

A wheel input source is an input source that is associated with a wheel-type input device.


It returns a WheelAction object that supports the following actions:

  • scroll (params: ScrollParams): scrolls a page to given coordinates or origin
  • pause(ms: number): indicate that an input source does nothing during a particular tick

You can find detailed information on the ScrollParams parameter type in the project type definition.

it('drag and drop using pointer action command', async () => {
const origin = await $('#source')
const targetOrigin = await $('#target')

return browser.action('pointer')
.move({ duration: 0, origin, x: 0, y: 0 })
.down({ button: 0 }) // left button
.move({ duration: 0, origin: targetOrigin })
.up({ button: 0 })
import { Key } from 'webdriverio'

it('should emit key events using key action commands', async () => {
const elem = await $('input')
await // make element active

await browser.action('key)

console.log(await elem.getValue()) // returns "foo"

// copy value out of input element
await browser.action('key')
it('should scroll using wheel action commands', async () => {
console.log(await browser.execute(() => window.scrollY)) // returns 0
await browser.action('wheel').scroll({
deltaX: 0,
deltaY: 500,
duration: 200
console.log(await browser.execute(() => window.scrollY)) // returns 500