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CleanupTotal Service

wdio-cleanuptotal-service is a 3rd party package, for more information please see GitHub | npm

With the cleanup-total service for, you can easily ensure proper cleanup after each test. The service provides a systematic way to mark entities for deletion immediately after creation. This is particularly useful when tests involve creating complex structures, such as a bank account with an investment plan and a deposit. Without proper cleanup, attempting to delete the account may result in errors, such as a refusal due to the account not being empty. However, with cleanup-total, entities are deleted in the correct order, ensuring that tests clean up after themselves and do not interfere with each other.


The easiest way to install this module as a (dev-)dependency is by using the following command:
npm install wdio-cleanuptotal-service --save-dev


Add wdio-cleanuptotal-service to your wdio.conf.js:

exports.config = {
// ... other options

services: ['cleanuptotal']

// ... other options

or with the service options:

exports.config = {
// ... other options

services: [
// Use a custom logger function to write messages to the test report
customLoggerMethod: console.log(), // TODO: replace with your own logger function if needed

// Only write to the log when an error occurs to reduce clutter
logErrorsOnly: false, // TODO: consider changing to 'true' if you have too many messages in the report

// ... other options

Usage in test

You can import the cleanuptotal service wherever it's needed, whether it's in your test file or any other class.

import { cleanuptotal } from "wdio-cleanuptotal-service";

it("should keep things tidy", () => {
// ...

// Create an account and add it to the cleanup list for deletion after the test
const accountId = createAccount("John Blow");
cleanupTotal.addCleanup(async () => {
await deleteAccount(accountId);

// Add an investment plan to the account and add it to the cleanup list
addInvestmentPlan(accountId, "ModRisk");
cleanupTotal.addCleanup(async () => {
await removeInvestmentPlan(accountId);

// Deposit funds into the account and add it to the cleanup list
deposit(accountId, 1000000);
cleanupTotal.addCleanup(async () => {
await undoDeposit(accountId);

// ...


// Note that the actual cleanup code will be executed after the test is complete

Typescript support

Typescript is supported for this plugin.